about me

Hi everyone and welcome to babycalligraphy.com :)

I am the creator of baby calligraphy personalized nursery frames. I started doing calligraphy in 4th grade, and my love continued as I became a teen and adult. I started writing thank you notes and addressing my parents' Christmas envelopes in calligraphy, and always got huge compliments. When my sister married in 1995, I scripted all of the envelopes for her wedding invitations. This first developed into a small wedding calligraphy business and was just fun to get paid for something I enjoyed doing.

When my niece Elizabeth was born in 2002, my sister requested all of her birth information in a nice big frame--this was the start of Baby Calligraphy! Immediately I had several requests for other frames, and gave these as gifts to my friends for their newborns. As the kids grow up, they love seeing their name and birth information on the wall in their room.

I am married with a little one on the way myself! We are looking forward to meeting our baby boy sometime in April 2011.

:) Jan